Pāmu Rā ki Whitianga Solar Farm
Pāmu Rā ki Whitianga
Whitianga, Coromandel
Situated in the sunny Coromandel, Pāmu Rā ki Whitianga will be Lodestone’s fourth North Island project within its Phase 1 five-site plan.
Construction commenced in Spring 2024 with plans to be generating by late 2025.
This site was chosen because of the high sunshine hours in the area, its proximity to local electricity demand, and a nearby distribution network connection. Previously a dairy farm, the low-lying land adjacent to the Whangamaroro River suffered from surface flooding and boggy conditions. Lodestone’s agrivoltaic solar design sets panels widely apart and two metres above the ground allowing machinery to operate and sheep to graze comfortably around the panels.
Once operational, the Whitianga farm will have a capacity of 32 MWp, and will be capable of powering the equivalent of 6,800+ homes a year.
Lodestone’s project team and construction partners are working with local community stakeholders including the local iwi, Ngāti Hei ki Wharekaho.
Pāmu Rā ki Whitianga was bestowed its name by Ngāti Hei, during the site’s ground-breaking blessing. Pāmu meaning farm, Rā meaning sun, which translates to Solar Farm of/to Whitianga.
Key facts about Pāmu Rā ki Whitianga
Construction commenced Aug 2024
49 GWh energy annually
Operating 53,000+ panels
Capable of powering 6,800+ homes

Aerial view of the site next to Whangamaroro River prior to construction

3D render of the solar design planned for Pāmu Rā ki Whitianga

Ngāti Hei kamātua, Joe Davis, blesses the site with a karakia prior to the start of construction

Coromandel MP, Hon Scott Simpson, speaks of the value the solar farm will deliver to the region
Investing in the future
To get involved in clean renewable energy