Commercial & Industrial Solutions

Back your business with
100% certified renewable energy

Be bolder, smarter, cleaner.

We’ve entered an era where making the sustainable choice is also the economic choice, where planning for the long term means making smarter choices today. With net-zero targets at the forefront of business strategy, Lodestone’s innovative solar solution enables customers to match their electricity usage to 100% certified renewable energy generated by Lodestone’s solar farms.

Transition more rapidly to a scalable, mobile and sustainable energy solution. Satisfy your customers, your investors and your CFO with premium sustainability credentials while reducing operational costs.

Join a progressive group of New Zealand businesses and partner in an energy solution that delivers positive outcomes for your business and a brighter future for Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Long-term competitive plans

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Transition faster, no capex required

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Achieve your Scope 2 emissions targets

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Be part of the solution

Virtual Rooftop Solar

Hit your sustainability targets sooner

While New Zealand is well on the road to 100% renewable electricity, we’re not there yet. As electricity demand continues to grow, a full transition to pure renewables will take some time. By partnering with Lodestone you can be part of the solution.

Our Virtual Rooftop Solar offers a unique energy solution that is competitively priced and importantly, provides long-term price certainty in what is increasingly becoming an uncertain energy market. We match 100% of your organisation’s annual electricity usage with certified renewable energy generated by our solar farms. Through the BraveTrace New Zealand Energy Certificate System (NZECS), your organisation can confidently report zero market-based Scope 2 emissions for the electricity it uses.

The benefits of our partnerships are broad-reaching. With Lodestone, your organisation will achieve its sustainability targets faster while unlocking the development of new renewable generation, benefiting New Zealand for decades to come.

Demand is high, reserve your capacity

Demand is high for our Virtual Rooftop Solar, which offers all the benefits of rooftop solar without the capital expenditure of developing, building and maintaining your own system.

Lodestone’s first four farms are contracted; however, more capacity is coming online through new developments across Aotearoa.

Now the economics of switching to certified renewable energy stack up, it is time to secure your capacity in a clean energy future.  Contact our Customer Team to discuss how Virtual Rooftop Solar will work for your business.

Lodestone Energy Kohirā Solar Farm - Kaitaia

Renewable Energy

The New Zealand Energy Certificate System

All of Lodestone’s solar farms are registered on the New Zealand Energy Certificate System (NZECS) operated by BraveTrace. Through the NZECS, Lodestone issues internationally recognised Renewable Energy Certificates for every megawatt-hour (MWh) of solar electricity generated by our solar farms. These Certificates are then allocated to our customers based on their electricity consumption throughout the year.

The system does not influence the physical distribution of electrons in the grid, but does enable Lodestone to ‘ringfence’ and match certified renewable energy generated by our farms to our customers’ consumption.

Globally recognised sustainability standard

Our renewable solar energy complies with RE100 and allows a company to report their market-based Scope 2 emissions as zero in accordance with the GHG Protocol’s Scope 2 Guidance.

This is a recognised standard for Toitū’s carbonreduce, net carbonzero and climate positive certifications. It is also recognised by international standards including, Climate Disclosure Project (CDP), Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), BCorp and Climate Impact Partners.

We trade renewable energy certificates

The Certificates Lodestone earns from its renewable energy generation are tradeable instruments that can be sold and transferred to retailers, brokers or end-users. Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about how Lodestone’s Renewable Energy Certificates can help your organisation achieve its sustainability goals.

Why our customers are choosing
Virtual Rooftop Solar


The Warehouse Group

The Warehouse Group is transitioning over 200 sites/stores across Aotearoa, New Zealand, to Lodestone’s Virtual Rooftop Solar.  Through their partnership with Lodestone, the group expects to achieve zero market-based Scope 2 emissions once all sites are switched over to Lodestone at the start of 2026.

After converting its first 63 sites to Lodestone’s solar solution and some site consolidation, The Warehouse Group achieved a 42.3% reduction in its  Scope 2 market-based emissions compared to the previous year, as reported in its Climate-related Disclosure report 23-24.

Mark Anderton
The Warehouse Group –
Executive GM
Supply Chain and Sourcing

The agreement with Lodestone Energy is a critical milestone in achieving the Group’s Scope 2 emissions targets. The deal will remove virtually all our Scope 2 emissions. This means we can now shift our focus towards accelerating our Scope 3 emission reductions to deliver lower emissions products to our customers.

The other side of the solar coin is about financial performance. Solar electricity generation is now very competitive and the deal with Lodestone will deliver significant savings compared to our traditional electricity supply.”



Inghams New Zealand

In mid-2024, amidst record-high wholesale energy prices, Inghams New Zealand partnered with Lodestone in a 20-year commitment to its Virtual Rooftop Solar. From April 2025, all of Inghams New Zealand operations will be backed by 100% certified renewable solar electricity. Through the partnership, Inghams will eliminate its Scope 2 emissions, reducing its overall Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25%.

Ed Alexander
Inghams Chief Executive New Zealand

“We have ambitious sustainability goals, and the long-term agreement with Lodestone allows us to both offset our electricity carbon footprint and secure a stable and cost-competitive energy source for the future.

“We are obtaining the same outcome as if we built our own renewable energy infrastructure, but without the upfront capital cost and ongoing maintenance requirements.”



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Enquire today

If you represent a high energy user, with an annual conumption > 5,000 MWh then we can help transition your organisation to 100% certfieid renewable energy. Contact us to learn more about how our Virtual Rooftop Solar can support your energy goals.

    Learn more about Lodestone